From Reading the story of "Bartleby the Scrivener" I assumed that Bartleby has really no friends or family nearby. The story does not give that much information about Bartleby, but from what I have read, Bartleby seems like a very boring person who really just follows his own rules. His status could be his quote "I would prefer not to". His friends could be maybe only some of his co-workers who added him because there are just some people who add everyone they see on facebook. Most likely he would not have any pictures of him because he has no friends that would take pictures of him. With no picture, he will not have an album. His wall is going to be usually blank because no know is going to write since he does not have any friends. The only things that might be on his wall are his updates of what he is doing such as “I am staring at a wall” and “I am at the office”. There sometimes will be one or two people who will write on his walls because there are just some people who write on everyone’s walls. Of course Bartlby will probably not reply back. His info is going to be just his network, birthday, and sex because those info were automatically added when the facebook was made and does not want to add any other information about him. His profile picture is going to be blank because he does not want a picture of himself.
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